Make White Zinfandel Wine Jelly

Make White Zinfandel Wine Jelly, a cooking class with Detra Davis. This recipe will make 6-8 (8 ounce) jars.

white zinfandel jelly

Here’s what you will need:
6 cups sugar
4 cups red wine
1 bottle liquid pectin

1. Combine sugar and wine in a large saucepan.
2. Mix well.
3. Cook over medium heat, stirring continuously, until sugar is dissolved. 4. Remove from heat.
5. Add liquid pectin and mix well.
6. Skim off any foam and discard.
7. Pour immediately into hot, sterilized jars and seal.
8. Let cool. Play with this recipe, don’t be afraid to combine wines and use white wine (recipe below). You may want to add chili pepper flakes for a spicy wine pepper jelly. Process in water-bath caner for 5 minutes. Cover and let cool overnight.

This is one of my favorite Youtube videos showing making wine jelly. White Zinfandel Jelly

2 cups white zinfandel wine
3 cups granulated sugar
1 pouch liquid pectin – (3 ounce)

1. Boil wine and sugar for 5 minutes or until all the sugar is melted.
2. Remove from heat, and add the entire pouch (3 ounces) of pectin.
3. Stir and pour into sterilized jars and seal.
4. Process in water-bath caner for 5 minutes.
5. Cover and let cool overnight.

Detra can be reached on LinkedIn,

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