Fresh Apple Crumbles

Fresh apple crumbles that PJ & I made, plus the recipe is included. These two video’s were made with PJ and The Pie Princess…we had fun, there were many clips.

PJ loved the crumble so much so, that she went out and bought herself a rolling pin, a pie plate – I guess our baking together is rubbing off on her.


Apple Crumble


Gluten Free Apple Crumble – made with Gluten Free flour.

It is easy to make. Here’s the recipe for the crumble that we made.

1 cup of butter
1.5 cups of flour (gluten free or pastry flour)
1.5 cups of oats Quaker makes the best
1 tsp of salt
1 Tablespoon of Cinnamon
a dash of nutmeg

What we did for the secret ingredient for the Regular Crumble we added extra almonds; for the gluten free we added dried cranberries just to give it some extra juice and flavor.

You can add this crumble to any fruit mixture. The apples I did cook a bit just to soften them, I like them crunchy, not hard and apples don’t necessarily soften all that much in an oven when baking in a pie or this crumble. Oh, they were so delicious that PJ and I had quite a few servings. I like mine served with a little ice cream, while PJ liked hers with Whipped Cream.

Happy Baking and Enjoy!


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